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The Mottram Parish Magazine has all the news about what's going on at church and around the parish. There are 12 monthly issues. Features include: * 'Notice Board' for local churches and organisations Get a printed copy the magazine: Printed copies available from church, or by post from: Polly Brown Tel: 01457 865278 or use the contact form. Cost: Hand delivered or from church: 55p per month or £5.50 per year. Posted copies are £12.00 per year inc. postage, for 10 issues. |
Regular download donation: If you download the magazine regularly, we would encourage you to donate just £5 per year. Donate with JustGiving:
Contribute to the magazine: If you have an item to publish, a local event to advertise, or a report on a recent event, please send to: Polly Brown Tel: 01457 865278 Deadline for the next month’s issue is always printed inside the magazine. Advertise in the magazine: *We've broken up this email addresses for spam protection. |