Aerial view of St. Michael's by Matt Sheldon



This smiley little boy is Rupert Frederick David Cottam. Last Sunday he was baptised at Mottram Church , surrounded by family and many friends. What a happy morning it was as Rupert took the first step on his faith journey.

Our love to him, his mummy and daddy Rebecca and James, and to Freja, his big sister.



"I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Do not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified"


We are thrilled you are considering bringing your child for baptism at Mottram. It's a key moment in the spiritual life of a child and should be deeply significant for parents and godparents too. Here at Mottram Parish Church, we want to give you a warm welcome and to do all we can to make the occasion both enjoyable and meaningful for you and your family and friends. Because we believe baptism is really important, we want to make sure you have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what you will declare you believe and what you will promise during the service. To that end, we've designed our baptism preparation process around you!

We will happily baptise children of families, or adults, who are resident in our parish, or whom regularly worship with us at St Michael's Church. The Vicar has sole discretion in other cases for families connected in some way with St. Michael's Church.

Preparing for a Baptism 3 simple steps...

1  Join in with church. Bringing a child for baptism is choosing to join the church. We'd love you to come along to our different church services, so that we can get to know you, and you can get to know us and see what we're all about!

Baptism Preparation Evening. We'll invite you to an evening where you'll have the chance to talk through the things you'll say and do at the baptism service, think a bit about what baptism really means and meet other families - it's great to invite godparents along if they're available too!

Book a ‘Baptism’ or 'Thanksgiving' Service. 

What next?

Do come along and get to know us on Sundays at 10:30am. If you introduce yourself to Pat Hall our Baptism Coordinator, we'll take some details and then a member of our Baptism Team will arrange a convenient time to visit you at home. Or you can contact Pat directly for a chat first:

Telephone:  07736 879060  or Click here to contact Pat

In the meantime, we'd encourage you to keep praying for your child - and maybe read some of the Bible for yourself: Mark's Gospel is a great place to start!

More information and helpful advice

Click here to discover all you need to know about choosing, planning and going to a Church of England christening at this helpful website.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How old can children be?
Children can be baptised from birth, though once they are old enough to understand the Christian faith themselves, we'd invite them to a special preparation course. 

Can adults be baptised at Mottram Parish Church?
Anybody who takes the promises seriously and lives within our parish (check at if you're not sure) can be baptised in our church. If you live outside the parish please first contact your own local Church of England minister, as baptisms are usually conducted in your own parish church where you will be welcomed into your local worshipping community.

Who can be a godparent? How many can we have?
Technically, anyone who has been baptised themself qualifies. But you'll want to choose people you would want your children to look up to - especially in matters of faith. Traditionally, children have 3 godparents (2 of the same gender as the child). In practice, we can accommodate up to 4 godparents.

We're not married: does that matter?
No - but we'd be delighted to talk to you about a wedding too! The Bible describes marriage as the best environment to bring up children. Who knows? We could even combine the two celebrations in one!!

Will a baptism here help my child's application to the local C of E school?
No, baptism isn't in the admissions criteria.

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